10 foods you absolutely must eat!

 10 foods you absolutely must eat! 

 We know that not all foods are really bad. It's each about balance. So indeed French feasts, potato chips, or chocolate can be part of a balanced diet, as long as you do not overstate it. Still, there are some foods that you would really profit from consuming as frequently as possible because they're so good for your health that it would be wrong to go without. Then's a list of foods that you should really make a habit of eating on a regular basis, if you have not formerly:

1-The lemon

 The juice of a single lemon  nearly entirely covers our diurnal vitamin C demand. In addition, lemon helps strengthen bones, reduces the appearance of certain cancer cells, increases situations of good cholesterol, and is ananti-inflammatory medicine. natural. 


 2-Dark chocolate 

 That is a good news! Just 45g of dark chocolate per day would reduce your chances of ever having a heart attack by 10. Obviously, you also need to have a healthy and active life. Veritably rich in flavonoids (organic motes responsible for the varied color of flowers and fruits and which are an important source of antioxidants), dark chocolate helps fight against the appearance of numerous heart problems ( including broken hearts!). 


 3-Nuts and seeds 

 They're rich in omega-3 acids, antioxidants and phytosterols (lipids naturally present in shops), therefore allowing the body to fight against the appearance of certain cancers, to reduce cholesterol, as well as the pitfalls of diabetes and heart complaint. 



 It's the richest vegetable in vitamin C, and it's also an excellent source of vitaminK. Both vitamins ameliorate overall bone health. In addition, broccoli is honored as one of the stylish foods to fight against the onset of numerous cancers. 


 5-The lawyers 

 They contain numerous antioxidants," good fat"and a substance that helps reduce the immersion of bad cholesterol from food. 



 Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antibiotic. Garlic lowers the threat of developing certain cancers and heart complaint, in addition to strengthening the vulnerable system. To reap its benefits, you should consume at least 6 capsules per week, but there's no maximum limit. 



 They might not make you muscle like Popeye, but spinach, like utmost lush vegetables, is a great source of vitamin K that improves bone health. They also contain potassium, magnesium and folate which minimize the threat of heart complaint and certain cancers. 



 They're rich in answerable fiber, protein, magnesium and antioxidants. They play a part in the forestallment of cholesterol and heart complaint. 


 9-Berries (cranberries, blue berries etc.) 

 Good  in taste, berries are also good for us! They can help with constipation, urinary tract infections, certain cancers, and age- related amnesia. They're also great sources of antioxidants. 

 10-Flax seeds 

 These bitsy seeds are packed with answerable fiber, essential adipose acids, and numerous other nutrients. They help help the onset of certain cancers, lower cholesterol situations, help heart affections, in addition to treating asthma and acne. But always grind flax seeds before eating them, else they pass directly from one side of the body to the other, their cocoon being too thick to be broken during digestion. 

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